Kindle 免费电子书:《单反教程:怎样拍摄酷照片》

Tony Northrup’s DSLR Book: How to Create Stunning Digital Photography

亚马逊商店中的这本电子书正在免费。该书是单反系列的入门书籍,系统的介绍了单反的各种知识和拍摄技巧,而且内容是不断更新的(书本会自动下载升级)。内部包含400多张没有裁剪过的高清数码照片,还有接近1个小时的视频教程,当然这些东西需要Kindle Fire 设备或者在iOS 以及Android 上的Kindle 软件才能播放,且需要连接互联网。

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In this book, Tony Northrup (award-winning author of more than 30 how-to books and a professional portrait, wildlife, and landscape photographer) teaches you both the art and science of creating stunning pictures. First, you will master these basic concepts:

* Composition
* Exposure
* Shutter speed
* Aperture
* Depth-of-field
* Natural light
* Flash
* Posing
* Troubleshooting bad pictures
* Using raw files
* Studio lighting
* Night photography
* Macro/close-up photography

Then, you will learn the pro’s secrets for photographing these subjects:

* People (candid, casual, formal, and underwater portraits)
* Weddings
* Pets
* Wildlife (mammals, birds, insects, fish, and more)
* Landscapes
* Cityscapes
* Sunrises and sunsets
* Flowers
* Forests, waterfalls, and rivers
* Fireworks
* Stars


Kindle 免费电子书:《单反教程:怎样拍摄酷照片》》有一个想法

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