
21 Behaviors That Will Make You Brilliant at Creativity & Relationships
When you see things from multiple perspectives, you realize you can achieve almost anything you want in far less time than you imagined.

Yet most people have fixed and limited views about themselves and what they can accomplish.

They have fixed and limited views about the resources available to them.

They have fixed and limited views about time, and how long things must take to accomplish.

In this article, I squash all of those limiting perspectives and provide concrete strategies you can use to achieve your goals. There are no fixed limits.
在本文中,我将消除所有这些限制性观点,并提供实现目标所需的具体策略。 没有固定的限制。

Here’s how it works:

Core Principles
1. Set absurdly ambitious goals
1. 设定荒谬的雄心勃勃的目标
“When 10x is your measuring stick, you immediately see how you can bypass what everyone else is doing.” — Dan Sullivan
“当10倍是你的衡量标准时,你马上就会明白,你可以绕过其他人正在做的事情。” ー Dan Sullivan

Goals are most likely to be accomplished when:

They are intrinsically motivating. As Napoleon Hill explained in Think and Grow Rich, “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” 它们在本质上具有激励作用。 正如拿破仑 · 希尔在《思考致富》一书中解释的那样: “欲望是一切成就的起点,不是希望,不是愿望,而是超越一切的强烈脉动的欲望。”
They must be difficult, or else they won’t be motivating. 它们一定很难,否则就没有动力
They must be time-bound, to create a sense of urgency. Shorter timelines are one way to go 10x, since they force you to shed artificial constraints and think more creatively. As billionaire Peter Thiel is known to ask: “How can you achieve your ten-year plan in the next six months?” 它们必须有时间限制,以营造一种紧迫感。 更短的时间线是一种方法,因为它迫使你摆脱人为的约束,更有创造性地思考。 众所周知,亿万富翁彼得•蒂尔(Peter Thiel)曾问过这样一个问题: “你如何在未来6个月内实现自己的十年计划? ”
As with all things in life, you get what you want. If you prefer to make excuses and justifications for a lack of progress, then just admit you prefer your current station in life. Self-acceptance can be a beautiful thing.
就像生活中所有的事情一样,你得到了你想要的。 如果你喜欢为缺乏进步找借口和理由,那么就承认你更喜欢现在的生活状态。 自我接纳是一件美好的事情。

However, once you desire progress more than convenience, obstacles no longer stop but propel you. As the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius is famous for saying, “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”
然而,一旦你渴望进步而不是便利,障碍不再停止,而是推动你。 正如罗马皇帝马库斯 · 奥勒留所说: “行动的障碍促进行动。 拦路虎就是拦路虎。”

2. Reframe subconscious patterns and get bold insights via auto-suggestion
2. 重构潜意识模式,通过自我暗示获得大胆的见解
“What is impressed in the subconscious is expressed.” — Dr. Joseph Murphy in The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
“潜意识中印象深刻的东西会被表达出来。” ー约瑟夫 · 墨菲博士在《你潜意识的力量》一书中说

While awake, your conscious and subconscious mind are often at odds with each other. For example, you’re trying to be positive, but your subconscious patterns simply won’t let you.
当你清醒的时候,你的意识和潜意识经常会发生冲突。 例如,你试图变得积极,但是你的潜意识模式就是不让你这么做。

Yet, while transitioning from being awake to being asleep, your brain waves move from the active Beta state into Alpha and then Theta before eventually dropping into Delta as we sleep. It is during the Theta window that your mind is most receptive to reshaping your subconscious patterns. Hence, Thomas Edison is known for having said, “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”
然而,当你从清醒状态过渡到睡眠状态时,你的脑电波会从活跃的贝塔状态进入阿尔法状态,然后进入太塔状态,最终在我们睡眠时进入德尔塔状态。 正是在 Theta 窗口期间,你的大脑最容易接受重塑你的潜意识模式。 因此,托马斯 · 爱迪生曾说过这样一句名言: “不要在没有对你的潜意识提出要求的情况下就去睡觉。”

As a result, just before you fall asleep, it is key to visualize and even vocally state what you are trying to accomplish. When you repeatedly state a desired goal, visualization is key because you want to have as emotional an experience as possible. You need to feel what it would be like to have what you seek.
因此,在你入睡之前,想象甚至用声音表达你想要完成的事情是非常关键的。 当你重复地陈述一个期望的目标时,形象化是关键,因为你想要尽可能多的情感体验。 你需要感受一下拥有你所追求的东西是什么感觉。

You can absolutely trust that by planting these subconscious seeds, thoughts will pop up at you, often at random intervals. You need to record these thoughts throughout your day. The bigger the goal, the bolder will be the required action to attain it. The clearer your why, the more inspired will be your how.
你完全可以相信,通过播下这些潜意识的种子,思想会在你身上冒出来,通常是随机的间隔。 你需要在一天中记录这些想法。 目标越大,实现目标所需的行动就越大胆。 你的原因越清楚,你的方法就越有启发性。

If you’re serious, you’ll need to act immediately upon the impressions your subconscious is transmitting to your conscious mind. If you brush off these insights, you’ll get less and less of them. You’ll demonstrate to yourself and the source of your inspiration that you don’t really want the changes you claim to desire.
如果你是认真的,你需要立即对你的潜意识传输到你的意识的印象采取行动。 如果你对这些见解置之不理,你会得到越来越少的见解。 你会向自己和灵感的来源证明,你并不真的想要你声称渴望的改变。

3. Learn and work in counterintuitive environments
3. 在违反直觉的环境中学习和工作
1905 was Albert Einstein’s break-through year where he published four research articles, known as the Annus Mirabilis papers, which went on to substantially alter the foundation of modern physics and changed views on space, time, and matter.
1905年是阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦的突破年,他发表了四篇研究论文,即著名的“米拉比利斯年鉴”(Annus Mirabilis) ,这些论文极大地改变了现代物理学的基础,改变了人们对空间、时间和物质的看法。

Interestingly, when Einstein published these papers, he was not working in an academic setting, but rather at the Swiss Patent Office. His work in this counterintuitive work environment allowed him different reflective angles and questions than a typical physics lab.
有趣的是,当爱因斯坦发表这些论文时,他并不是在学术机构工作,而是在瑞士专利局工作。 他在这种违反直觉的工作环境中的工作,使他能够比一般的物理实验室从不同的角度思考问题。

As Elon Musk’s wife, Justine, has said:
正如埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)的妻子贾斯汀(Justine)所言:

“Choose one thing and become a master of it. Choose a second thing and become a master of that. When you become a master of two worlds (say, engineering and business), you can bring them together in a way that will a) introduce hot ideas to each other, so they can have idea sex and make idea babies that no one has seen before and b) create a competitive advantage because you can move between worlds, speak both languages, connect the tribes, mash the elements to spark fresh creative insight until you wake up with the epiphany that changes your life.”
“选择一件事,成为它的主人。 选择第二件事,成为这方面的大师。 当你成为两个世界(比如说,工程学和商业)的大师时,你可以把它们结合在一起,这样可以: a)向对方介绍热门的想法,这样他们就可以有想法性爱,生出没有人见过的想法婴儿; b)创造竞争优势,因为你可以在两个世界之间移动,会说两种语言,连接两个部落,混合各种元素,激发新的创造性洞察力,直到你醒来,看到改变你生活的顿悟

When you work in a different context from the majority of people in your field, you can make distinct and unique connections. You can integrate and cross-pollinate different ideas. You can avoid dogmatic thinking and expectations. You can learn to integrate ideas from seemingly dissimilar fields.
当你在一个与你所在领域的大多数人不同的环境中工作时,你可以建立独特的联系。 你可以整合和交叉传播不同的想法。 你可以避免教条式的思考和期望。 你可以学习整合看似不同领域的想法。

4. Learn from counterintuitive resources
4. 从违反直觉的资源中学习
“What does following in the footsteps of everyone else get you? It gets you to exactly the same conclusions as everyone else.” — Ryan Holiday
“追随别人的脚步会给你带来什么? 它会让你得出与其他人完全相同的结论。” ー Ryan Holiday

As Holiday explains, if you read what everyone else is reading, you’ll think like everyone else thinks. If you think like everyone else thinks, you won’t be able to come up with anything unique.
正如霍乐黛解释的那样,如果你读别人在读的东西,你就会像别人一样思考。 如果你像其他人一样思考,你就不可能想出任何独特的东西。

Follow your curiosity. Chase down obscure leads. Find stuff that no one else has found. In this way, your work will be truly valuable to others.
跟随你的好奇心。 追踪模糊的线索。 找到别人找不到的东西。 这样,你的工作对别人来说才是真正有价值的。

5. Focus on the process (not results) of those who are succeeding big
5. 关注成功人士的过程(而不是结果)
“Success leaves clues.” — Jim Rohn
“成功会留下线索。”——吉姆 · 罗恩

Focusing exclusively on results is one of the primary reasons the current academic system is broken. Kids are being taught to train for the test, rather than seeking novel and unique ways of doing things. No two kids are wired the same, nor should their contribution, creativity, and talent be viewed from the same standard.
专注于结果是当前学术体系被打破的主要原因之一。 孩子们被教导要为考试而训练,而不是寻求新颖独特的方式做事。 没有两个孩子是一模一样的,他们的贡献、创造力和天赋也不应该用同一个标准来衡量。

When you want to develop expertise at something, rather than focusing on the results of those at the top of your field, study and emulate their process.

What are they doing?

Once you get process-oriented, as opposed to results-oriented, you realize you too can achieve amazing results. The process, or your behavior, is completely within your control. Conversely, when you focus solely on other people’s results, you can quickly become overwhelmed and give up.
一旦你变得以过程为导向,而不是以结果为导向,你就会意识到你也可以取得惊人的结果。 这个过程,或者说你的行为,完全在你的掌控之中。 相反,当你只关注别人的结果时,你会很快变得不知所措并放弃。

6. Ignore what almost everyone else is doing
6. 忽略其他人正在做的事情
In the book Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable, Tim Grover explains that the world’s elite don’t compete with other people. Rather, they make others compete with them. They set the tone and make others react to their environment.
在《冷酷无情: 从优秀到伟大再到不可阻挡》一书中,蒂姆 · 格罗弗解释说,世界精英不会与其他人竞争。 相反,他们让其他人与他们竞争。 他们定下基调,让别人对他们所处的环境做出反应。

Most people are competing with other people. They continuously check in to see what others in their space (their “competition”) are doing. As a result, they mimic and copy what’s “working.”
大多数人都在和其他人竞争。 他们不断检查,看看其他人在他们的空间(他们的“竞争”)正在做什么。 因此,他们模仿和复制什么是“工作。”

Rather than worrying about what others are doing, live your values. Put first things first. Spend more time with your loved ones and away from work. While working, follow your own curiosity, not what others are doing.
与其担心别人在做什么,不如实践你的价值观。 把重要的事放在第一位。 花更多的时间和你爱的人在一起,远离工作。 在工作的时候,跟随自己的好奇心,而不是别人在做什么。

7. 80/20 Analysis of highest leverage activities
7.80 / 20最高杠杆活动分析
“Today everyone is a generalist, a deliberate move on the part of most as a reaction to the economic times.” — Leonard Smith
“如今,每个人都是多面手,大多数人是为了应对经济时代而刻意采取的行动。” ー伦纳德 · 史密斯

When studying the process of those you seek to emulate, don’t try to do it all. Everyone has their own strategy. Even those at the top of your field have imperfect strategies.
当你学习那些你想要模仿的人的过程时,不要试图去做所有的事情。 每个人都有自己的策略。 即使是那些在你的领域处于顶端的人也有不完美的策略。

Find the patterns. What are the key things you must master? Master those.
找到模式。你必须掌握的关键事情是什么? 掌握它们。

Then innovate beyond those patterns when you’re ready, so your process comes to exceed the process of those you admire. Eventually, your results will exceed theirs as well.
然后当你准备好的时候,在这些模式之外进行创新,这样你的过程就会超过那些你钦佩的人的过程。 最终,你的成绩也会超过他们。

8. Over-learn high leverage activities
8. 过度学习高杠杆活动
Learning something new is all about memory and how you use it. At first, your prefrontal cortex — which stores your working (or short-term) memory — is really busy figuring out how the task is done.
学习新东西全靠记忆以及如何使用它。 起初,你的脑前额叶外皮—- 储存你的工作(或短期)记忆—- 真的很忙于弄清楚任务是如何完成的。

But once you’re proficient, the prefrontal cortex gets a break. In fact, it’s freed up by as much as 90%. Once this happens, you can perform that skill automatically, leaving your conscious mind to focus on other things.
但是一旦你熟练了,脑前额叶外皮就可以休息一下了。 事实上,它被释放了高达90% 。 一旦这种情况发生,你就可以自动完成这项技能,让你的意识专注于其他事情。

This level of performance is called automaticity, and reaching it depends on what psychologists call over-learning or over-training.

For example, if you want to quickly learn how to write viral articles, study several hundred headlines of viral articles. If you want to write a book, study just the table of contents of hundreds of books. These are your lay-ups.
例如,如果你想快速学习如何写病毒式传播的文章,学习几百个病毒式传播文章的标题。 如果你想写一本书,只要研究几百本书的目录就可以了。 这些是你的上篮。

Start with small sets of information, then expand from there. By over-learning a particular category of learning, you’ll be able to better understand how it relates to the whole. You’ll also quickly be able to apply what you learn. You’ll quickly see the patterns others miss. Time will slow down for you as your cognition expands.
从小的信息集开始,然后从那里扩展。 通过过度学习某一特定类别的知识,你将能够更好地理解它与整体的关系。 你也可以很快地应用你所学到的东西。 你很快就会看到其他人遗漏的模式。 随着你认知的扩展,时间会为你减慢。

9. Learn to apply, not to procrastinate “the work”
9. 学会应用,不要拖延“工作”
“The key secret to success is not excessive expertise, but the ability to use it. Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied.” — Max Lukominskyi
“成功的关键秘诀不是过多的专业知识,而是运用它的能力。 知识如果得不到应用,就一文不值。” ー Max Lukominskyi

Learning is best done while you’re doing the activity. Public education has taught people they must first master theory, then attempt to transfer that theory into the real world. In a similar way, people’s love for information via the internet has led them to use “learning” as a form of procrastination.
当你在做活动的时候,学习是最好的。 公共教育告诉人们,他们必须首先掌握理论,然后尝试将理论转化为现实世界。 同样,人们对互联网上信息的热爱导致他们把“学习”当作一种拖延。

A better approach is “context-based learning,” where you learn while doing.The key principles of context-based learning include:
一个更好的方法是“基于背景的学习” ,在实践中学习。 基于情境的学习的主要原则包括:

Learn a concept in its simplest form. 学习最简单形式的概念
Put your rudimentary knowledge to practice in a real-world scenario. 把你的基本知识应用到现实世界的场景中
Get coaching and feedback (feedback often comes in the form of “failure”). 获得指导和反馈(反馈通常以“失败”的形式出现)
Apply the feedback through repetitious practice. 通过反复练习应用反馈
Get coaching and feedback. 获得指导和反馈
Repeat until proficient (see #8 just above). 重复直到达到熟练状态(见上面的第8条)
Interestingly, researchers examined the effects of role-playing on the self-concept of shy adolescents. One group of adolescents got traditional discussion-based training while another did role-play based training. The group that did role-plays experienced a significant positive change in their self-concept, which has a significant impact on their behaviors.
有趣的是,研究人员调查了角色扮演对害羞青少年自我概念的影响。 一组青少年接受传统的基于讨论的培训,而另一组则接受基于角色扮演的培训。 角色扮演组的自我概念发生了显著的正向变化,对其行为有显著的影响。

In our digital world, simulation training — based on role-playing real-world scenarios — is becoming increasingly popular.

Additionally, research has found that getting consistent feedback is essential to effective learning. You can use this. By making your work public, you get immediate feedback.
此外,研究发现获得一致的反馈对于有效的学习是必不可少的。 你可以用这个。 通过公开你的工作,你可以立即得到反馈。

Getting immediate feedback has been found to be a flow trigger. It heightens performance. Especially when the feedback is real world, and there are real consequences for success and failure.
获得即时反馈被发现是一个流动触发器。 它提高了性能。 特别是当反馈是真实世界的时候,成功和失败都会有真实的后果。

10. Focus on quantity in the beginning
10. 从一开始就注重数量
“Plant a lot, harvest a few.” — Seth Godin
“种很多,收获一些。”——赛斯 · 戈丁

In the book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, Adam Grant explains that “originals” (i.e., people who create innovative work) are not reliable. In other words, not everything they produce is extraordinary.
在《原创者: 不墨守成规者如何改变世界》一书中,亚当 · 格兰特解释说“原创者”(即创造创新性作品的人)是不可靠的。 换句话说,并不是他们生产的所有东西都是非凡的。

For example, among the 50 greatest pieces of music ever created, six belong to Mozart, five are Beethoven’s, and three Bach’s. But in order to create those, Mozart wrote over 600 compositions, Beethoven 650, and Bach over 1,000.
例如,在有史以来50首最伟大的音乐作品中,6首属于莫扎特,5首属于贝多芬,3首属于巴赫。 但是为了创作这些作品,莫扎特创作了600多首作品,贝多芬650,巴赫1000多首。

Similarly, Picasso created thousands of pieces of art, and few are considered to be his “great works.” Edison had 1,900 patents, and only a handful we would recognize. Albert Einstein published 248 scientific articles, only a few of which are what got him on the map for his theory of relativity.
同样,毕加索创作了数以千计的艺术作品,很少有被认为是他的“伟大作品” 爱迪生拥有1900项专利,而我们只能认出其中的一小部分。 爱因斯坦发表了248篇科学文章,其中只有少数几篇使他在相对论几年出名。

Quantity is the most likely path to quality. The more you produce, the more ideas you will have — some of which will be innovative and original. And you never know which ones will click. You just keep creating.
数量是最有可能达到质量的途径。 你产生的想法越多,你就会有越多的想法ーー其中一些想法将是创新的和原创的。 而且你永远不知道哪一个会合适。 你只需要继续创造。

11. Track only a few things (ignore everything else)
11. 只追踪一些事情(忽略其他的一切)
“If you have more than three priorities, then you don’t have any.” — Jim Collins in Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t
“如果你有三个以上的优先事项,那么你就没有任何优先事项。” ー吉姆 · 柯林斯《从优秀到卓越: 为什么有些公司实现了跨越,而有些却没有》

If you want to improve at something, you need to quantify it. If you don’t quantify it, you don’t really know what’s happening. As Thomas Monson explains, “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.”
如果你想提高某件事,你需要量化它。 如果你不量化它,你就不会真正知道发生了什么。 正如托马斯 · 蒙森解释的那样,“当绩效被衡量时,绩效就会提高。 当业绩得到衡量和报告时,改进的速度就会加快。”

I can personally attest to this principle. When I started measuring a few metrics, such as each set in the gym, my income, and how much time I spend in “flow” while working, I dramatically improved in these areas. The reason is simple: tracking helped me become aware and objective about my weaknesses. Thus, I knew exactly where I should focus and could do it systematically.
我个人可以证明这一原则。 当我开始衡量一些指标时,比如健身房里的每一项指标,我的收入,以及我工作时花在“心流”上的时间,我在这些方面都有了显著的提高。 原因很简单: 跟踪帮助我意识到自己的弱点并变得客观。 因此,我清楚地知道我应该关注哪些方面,并且可以系统地做到这一点。

12. Heighten expectation for what you can accomplish
12. 提高对你能完成的事情的期望值
“I think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded, if the situation demanded.” — William Durant
“我认为,如果情况需要,如果需要,一般人的能力可以提高一倍。” ー威廉 · 杜兰特

I started working out with my current workout partner about two months ago. He’s nearly 20 years older than me, and can lift substantially more weight than me.
大约两个月前,我开始和我现在的锻炼伙伴一起锻炼。 他比我大将近20岁,能举起比我重得多的东西。

One of the first things he told me was, “Most people never get stronger simply because they don’t put themselves under the weight.” As a result, our first several workouts involved me being heavily spotted while benching and squatting way more than I ever had before. The purpose was to feel the weight.
他告诉我的第一件事就是,“大多数人永远不会变得更强壮,仅仅是因为他们没有把自己压在重量之下。” 结果,我们最初的几次训练中,我在坐下和蹲下的时候被人发现的次数比以前多得多。 这样做的目的是为了感受重量。

It hasn’t taken long at all to increase my strength while working out with my new partner. He’s raised my expectations. Yet I don’t let his expectations dictate what I can do. As will be shown in the following section on mentorships, the expectations of those around you create the context for your growth and potential.
和我的新伴侣一起锻炼的时候,我并没有花费太多的时间来增加我的力量。 他提高了我的期望值。 然而,我不会让他的期望左右我能做什么。 正如在下面关于导师关系的章节中所展示的那样,你周围人们的期望为你的成长和潜能创造了环境。

But you don’t need to be bound by those expectations. For instance, just because many of my favorite writers publish twice per week, I decided to hold myself to a different standard when I started writing. In large measure, you get what you expect you will. According to Expectancy Theory, one of the core theories of motivation, motivation involves three components:
但是你不需要被这些期望所束缚。 例如,就因为我最喜欢的许多作家每周发表两次作品,我决定在开始写作时用一个不同的标准来衡量自己。 在很大程度上,你得到了你期望你会得到的。 根据期望理论,动机的核心理论之一,动机包括3个组成部分:

the value you place on your goal 你对自己目标的重视
your belief that specific behaviors will actually facilitate the outcomes you desire 你相信特定的行为实际上会促进你想要的结果
your belief in your own ability to successfully execute the behaviors requisite to achieving your goals 你相信自己有能力成功地完成实现目标所必需的行为
Learn from the best. But don’t be bound by their standards. Run at your own pace, even if that pace is faster than those you aspire to be like.
向最好的学习。 但是不要被他们的标准所束缚。 以你自己的速度跑步,即使那个速度比你渴望的要快。

13. Surround yourself with people with higher expectations than you have 让你周围的人对你有更高的期望
According to what psychologists call “The Pygmalion Effect,” other people’s expectations of you heavily influence how well you do.

When you’re a child, the expectations of your parents “set the bar.” Interestingly, these expectations form an invisible barrier from which it becomes very difficult to exceed.
当你还是个孩子的时候,你父母的期望“设定了标准” 有趣的是,这些期望形成了一个无形的障碍,很难超越。

For instance, scientific experiments have been done on fleas, wherein they’ve been put in a glass jar. Without the lid on the jar, the fleas can easily jump out. However, the fleas can be trained to stay in the jar by putting a lid on it. After only three days, the lid can be removed and the fleas will be constrained by an invisible mental barrier.
例如,有人对跳蚤做过科学实验,把它们放在一个玻璃瓶里。 没有盖子,跳蚤很容易跳出来。 然而,通过盖上盖子,跳蚤可以被训练留在罐子里。 仅仅三天之后,盖子就可以被打开,跳蚤就会被看不见的精神屏障所束缚。

Not surprisingly, the “next generation” of fleas is also constrained by this new and invisible barrier. The Pygmalion effect explains why: the next generation develops the same expectations for themselves as their parents have for them.
毫不奇怪,跳蚤的“下一代”也受到这种新的、看不见的障碍的限制。 美国皮格马利翁效应协会解释了原因: 下一代对自己的期望和他们的父母对他们的期望一样。

If, however, you were to take one of those fleas out of that jar and place them in a bigger jar, surrounded by fleas jumping much higher, mirror neurons would fire and that flea would soon be able to jump higher. Mental barriers would shatter, soon to be replaced by the mental barriers of those in the new jar.
然而,如果你把一只跳蚤从罐子里拿出来,放到一个更大的罐子里,周围的跳蚤跳得更高,镜像神经元就会激活,跳蚤很快就能跳得更高。 精神障碍将被打破,很快被新瓶子里的精神障碍所取代。

When seeking mentorships, it’s important to realize that the expectations of your mentor reflect the flea’s jar, and invisible barrier, as opposed to your inherent ability. There is no fixed ability. Nothing, and nobody, has an “absolute” value. Everything is contextual.
当寻求心灵感应时,你必须意识到,你导师对你的期望反映了跳蚤的瓶子和无形的障碍,而不是你的内在能力。 没有固定的能力。 任何东西,任何人,都没有“绝对”价值。 所有的事情都是上下文相关的。

Even still, by jumping into a much bigger jar, you’ll quickly grow. Actually, you may learn to jump much higher than you ever imaged with the help of a caring mentor. Thus, it is extremely important for you to surround yourself with those who have high expectations for you. It may be difficult, frustrating, and humbling to develop and grow. But if you stick to it, you’ll eventually reach a new invisible cap.
即便如此,跳进一个更大的罐子里,你也会很快成长。 事实上,在一个关心你的导师的帮助下,你可以学会跳得比你想象的要高得多。 因此,和那些对你有很高期望的人在一起对你来说是非常重要的。 发展和成长可能是困难的、令人沮丧的和令人谦卑的。 但是如果你坚持下去,你最终会达到一个新的无形的上限。

14. Expect to expand and adapt
14. 做好扩张和适应的准备
Human beings are highly adaptive. For instance, Viktor Frankl reflected on his experience as a Nazi concentration camp victim and sleeping comfortably next to nine other people on small beds. Said Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning, “Yes a person can get used to anything, just don’t ask us how.” Indeed, this was one of the most surprising aspects of living in a concentration camp, the rapidity at which the shock and horror became apathy and “normal.”
人类具有高度的适应能力。 例如,维克多 · 弗兰克尔反思了他作为纳粹集中营受害者的经历,他与其他九个人舒服地睡在一张小床上。 弗兰克在《人类寻找意义》中说: “是的,一个人可以习惯任何事情,只是不要问我们如何习惯。” 事实上,这是生活在集中营中最令人惊讶的方面之一,那种震惊和恐惧迅速变得冷漠和“正常”

No matter how far-reaching and discontinuous the jump from one environment to the next, a person can and will adapt, whether that means going from zero kids to three (trust me), or from completely inactive to exercising with professional bodybuilders.
无论从一个环境到另一个环境的跳跃有多么深远和不连续,一个人能够并且将会适应,无论这意味着从零个孩子到三个孩子(相信我) ,或者从完全不运动到与专业健美运动员一起锻炼。

Take, for example, Collin Clark, a 20-year-old who lost 64 pounds and 30 percent body fat in six months. The process was simple; he went to the gym and began to emulate the bodybuilders who were there. Eventually, one particular bodybuilder took an interest in Collin, and became his mentor. By working out daily with a bodybuilder, Collin transformed. The example of Collin Clark is particularly notable, as he has down syndrome.
以20岁的科林 · 克拉克为例,他在六个月内减掉了64磅体重和30% 的脂肪。 过程很简单,他去了健身房,开始模仿健美运动员。 最终,一个健美运动员对 Collin 产生了兴趣,并成为了他的导师。 通过每天和健美运动员一起锻炼,科林改变了自己。 科林 · 克拉克的例子特别引人注目,因为他患有唐氏综合症。

When you first enter a new and larger jar, you’ll feel excited and perhaps even intimidated by all the jumping room. However, like gas which spreads to fill the space it’s been given, you too will adapt. Thus, you won’t want to overstay your welcome. Remember, the jar is a reflection of other people’s expectations.
当你第一次进入一个新的更大的罐子,你会感到兴奋,甚至可能被所有的跳跃房间吓到。 然而,就像气体扩散到被给予的空间一样,你也会适应。 因此,你不会希望呆得太久而受到欢迎。 记住,罐子是别人期望的反映。

Hence, the next point:

15. Don’t get stuck with one mentor
15. 不要被一个导师困住
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.” — Lao Tzu
“当学生准备好了,老师就会出现。 当学生真正准备好了,老师就会消失。” ー老子

High quality friendships should last forever. High quality mentorships, on the other hand, should not last forever.
高质量的友谊应该是永恒的。 另一方面,高质量的导师关系不应该永远持续下去。

One mentor can only take you so far; they can only give you one “jar.” If you want to evolve beyond that jar, you’ll need a new mentor. And this is exactly what any true mentor would want for you as well. It’s not about “them.” They are investing in you. It is through your best work that they can live on forever.
一个导师只能带你到此为止; 他们只能给你一个“罐子” 如果你想超越这个瓶子,你需要一个新的导师。 这也正是任何一个真正的导师所希望的。 这和”他们”无关。” 他们在你身上投资。 只有通过你最好的工作,他们才能永远活下去。

16. The mentor sets the expectations, but the mentee sets the tone
16. 导师设定期望,而被辅导者设定基调
Although the mentor’s expectations and abilities reflect the size of the jar, it is the mentee that sets the tone for the relationship and how well it will go.

I’ve been in mentoring relationships where I’ve been a good mentee and a bad mentee. In each case, it was not the mentor, but me, who determined how well the relationship went. No one cares more about your success than you do. It is up to you how far you go in life.
我一直在指导关系,我一直是一个好的学员和一个坏的学员。 在每一个案例中,决定这段关系如何发展的不是导师,而是我。 没有人比你更关心你的成功。 你能走多远取决于你自己。

Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect, has said, “Never take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with.” Thus, you should be highly selective about the mentors you seek. If you aren’t intrinsically motivated to “set the tone” with you mentor, ask yourself: Do I really want to be like this person? If the answer is no, then they are the wrong mentor.
《复合效应》(The Compound Effect)一书的作者达伦 · 哈迪(Darren Hardy)曾说过: “永远不要听信那些你不愿意与之交换位置的人的建议。” 因此,你应该对你寻找的导师有高度的选择性。 如果你没有内在的动力去和你的导师“定下基调” ,问问你自己: 我真的想成为这样的人吗? 如果答案是否定的,那么他们就是错误的导师。

When you have the right mentor, you’ll know, because you’ll feel extremely lucky to have even a few moments of their time. You’ll do all you can to deepen the relationship, provide value, and learn. You’ll be willing to bend over backwards to help them. You’ll take on greater responsibility. You’ll make their life easier. You’ll make them look good.
当你有了合适的导师,你就会知道,因为你会感到非常幸运,即使只有他们的时间的一小会儿。 你会尽你所能加深你们的关系,提供价值,并学习。 你会愿意竭尽全力去帮助他们。 你将承担更大的责任。 你会让他们的生活更轻松。 你会让他们看起来很好。

17. Give credit where credit is due
17. 给予应得的信任
Although you are responsible for your own success, you are not the sole cause of that success. Far from it. You are not independent of all the help you’ve received. More accurately, you are the product of all the help you’ve received.
尽管你对自己的成功负有责任,但你并不是成功的唯一原因。 远非如此。 你并不是独立于你所得到的所有帮助。 更准确地说,你是所有帮助的产物。

You are standing on the shoulders of giants. Acknowledge them for that. And never forget where you came from. Also, never speak poorly about your mentors or those who have helped you along your journey. This does nothing for you. I’ve made this mistake and destroyed important relationships with people I deeply admire — people who invested lots of time and energy into me.
你是站在巨人的肩膀上。 为此感谢他们。 永远不要忘记你从哪里来。 还有,永远不要说你的导师或者那些在你的旅程中帮助过你的人的坏话。 这对你毫无帮助。 我犯了这个错误,破坏了与我深深敬仰的人的重要关系ーー那些在我身上投入了大量时间和精力的人。

As Ryan Holiday explains in his book, Ego is the Enemy, always be a student. Remain humble. Don’t let ego take over, or it will lead to your inevitable demise.
正如 Ryan Holiday 在他的书中解释的那样,自我是敌人,永远是学生。 保持谦逊。 不要让自我控制你,否则它将导致你不可避免的死亡。

Mental Models
In this final section, I will detail beliefs required for rapid growth.

18. Think astronomically
18. 用天文学的方式思考
“You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” — Robin Williams
“你没有什么可以失去的,你可以得到一切。”——罗宾 · 威廉姆斯

There is some brilliant new research on the concept of Awe, which has been defined as a feeling that arises when you encounter something so strikingly vast (in time, scope, complexity, ability, or power) it provokes a need to update your mental schemas.

Awe, or having a peak experience, can happen during an optimal sports performance or even a deep spiritual experience. When you become mindful, you can experience awe even during mundane moments.
敬畏,或拥有一个高峰体验,可以发生在一个最佳的运动表现,甚至一个深刻的精神体验。 当你变得留心时,即使在平凡的时刻,你也能感受到敬畏。

Research has found that experiencing awe can expand your perception of time, alter your decision making abilities, and enhance your well-being.

I can personally attest to these findings. I’ve experienced awe several times. I strive to experience it as often as possible, which for me provides a much richer and deeper perspective of life.
我个人可以为这些发现作证。 我经历过好几次敬畏。 我努力尽可能多地体验它,这为我提供了一个更丰富、更深刻的生活视角。

Awe alters your experience with time because it helps you see things more astronomically. From the perspective of light, for example, time stands still. Thus, this moment, from the perspective of light, is both an instant and an eternity. Time fades into the background of infinite possibility. Nothing becomes impossible. No distance too far.
敬畏会随着时间改变你的体验,因为它会帮助你以天文学的角度看待事物。 例如,从光的角度来看,时间是静止的。 因此,从光的角度来看,这一刻既是一个瞬间,也是一个永恒。 时间消失在无限可能性的背景中。 没有什么是不可能的。 没有太远的距离。

Awe alters your ability to make decisions because you no longer fear trivial things such as other people’s perceptions, failure, or even death.

Lastly, awe alters your well-being because the mind and body are one. When you improve one aspect of your life, all others organically improve as well. Thus, when you experience a deeper connect with yourself and the universe, you live differently. You see yourself differently, and that perception has the power to alter your biology. Your emotional state also matures and becomes more healthy as well.
最后,敬畏会改变你的幸福,因为身心是一体的。 当你改善生活的一个方面时,其他方面也会有机地改善。 因此,当你体验到与自己和宇宙更深层次的联系时,你的生活就会有所不同。 你对自己有不同的看法,这种看法有能力改变你的生物学。 你的情绪状态也会成熟,也会变得更加健康。

19. Think laterally
19. 横向思考
“Lateral thinking doesn’t replace hard work; it eliminates unnecessary cycles.” — Shane Snow in Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success
“水平思考不能代替艰苦的工作,它消除了不必要的循环。” ー肖恩 · 斯诺在《智能剪裁: 黑客、创新者和偶像是如何加速成功的》一书中写道

Most of the United States presidents spent less time in politics than the average congressman. Moreover, the best, and most popular presidents, generally spent the least amount of time in politics. Rather than spending decades climbing the tedious ladder with glass ceilings, they simply jumped laterally from a different, non-political ladder.
大多数美国总统花在政治上的时间都比一般的国会议员少。 此外,最优秀、最受欢迎的总统通常花在政治上的时间最少。 他们没有花费数十年时间在乏味的阶梯上攀爬,而是从一个不同的、非政治的阶梯上横向跳下。

Ronald Reagan was an actor. Dwight Eisenhower laterally shifted from the military. Woodrow Wilson bounced over from academia. These men spent considerably little time in politics and became fabulous presidents. They reached the top by skipping the unnecessary “dues-paying” steps. Insanely productive people think the same way. Rather than climbing up ladders the traditional ways, they think of alternative routes. They skip unnecessary steps by pivoting and shifting.
罗纳德 · 里根是个演员。 德怀特·艾森豪威尔从军队横向转移。 伍德罗 · 威尔逊从学术界跳了出来。 这些人在政治上花费的时间相当少,他们成为了出色的总统。 他们跳过了不必要的“缴会费”步骤,达到了顶峰。 疯狂高效的人也是这么想的。 他们没有用传统的方式爬上梯子,而是考虑其他的路线。 它们通过旋转和移动来跳过不必要的步骤。

Shane Snow himself used this tactic to get published on some of the biggest media outlets in the world within six months of blogging. How did he do it? He started by pitching articles to low level blogs with basically no bar of entry. After getting a few articles published on those, he leveraged his new position and pitched to slightly higher level blogs.
肖恩 · 斯诺自己也使用了这种策略,在博客发表后的六个月内,就在世界上最大的几家媒体上发表了文章。 他是怎么做到的? 他开始在基本上没有条目限制的低水平博客上发表文章。 在发表了一些关于这些的文章之后,他利用了他的新职位,开始写一些稍微高级一点的博客。

He did this by sending editors of the slightly “better” blogs an email reading something like: Hello, I’ve written at these blogs which reach similar audiences as your blog. Here’s an article I think would be a great fit for your audience.
他给那些稍微“好一点”的博客的编辑发了一封电子邮件,上面写着这样的话: 你好,我在这些博客上写了一些东西,这些博客的受众和你的博客一样。 我认为这篇文章非常适合你的读者。

Because the editors of those blogs knew about the blogs Snow had been published on, he was able to be published on theirs as well. He followed this pattern over and over until, within six months, his work was published at Fast Company, WIRED, and others.
因为这些博客的编辑知道斯诺发表的博客,他也能够在他们的博客上发表。 他一次又一次地遵循这种模式,直到六个月内,他的作品在《快速公司》、《连线》和其他杂志上发表。

20. Think more flexibly about “limits” on resources
20. 更灵活地考虑资源的“限制”
One of the faultiest and most crippling mindsets people have is over-categorizing things, and then being bound by those categories. Psychologists call this having a “pre-mature cognitive commitment.”
人们最缺陷和最严重的心态之一就是过度分类,然后被这些分类所束缚。 心理学家称之为“早熟的认知承诺”

When you see things from only a singular perspective, you’ll assume there is a limited supply of that thing.

Money, from most people’s perspective, is a limited resource. However, research has found that after basic needs are met, what people really want is a state of mind. Yet, that state of mind doesn’t have to be tightly bound within the cognitive category of money.
从大多数人的角度来看,金钱是一种有限的资源。 然而,研究发现,在基本需求得到满足之后,人们真正想要的是一种精神状态。 然而,这种精神状态并不一定要紧紧地限制在金钱的认知范畴之内。

Consequently, from a mindful perspective, you can look at certain things, like money or even yourself, from multiple viewpoints. You don’t have to get stuck with fixed and rigid definitions. In nearly any case, you come to realize that what you want is always available to you, if you’ll simply alter your viewpoint. As Ellen Langer, Harvard psychologist has said, “If we examine what is behind our desires, we can usually get what we want without compromising.”
因此,从正念的角度来看,你可以从多个角度来看待某些事情,比如金钱,甚至你自己。 你不必被固定和僵化的定义所束缚。 几乎在任何情况下,你都会意识到,只要你改变你的观点,你想要的东西总是可以得到的。 正如哈佛大学心理学家埃伦 · 兰格(Ellen Langer)所说,“如果我们审视欲望背后的东西,我们通常可以不妥协地得到我们想要的东西。”

The most detrimental thing we can view from a limited standpoint is ourselves. Don’t let your own assumptions and categories determine what you are. You have no clue who you are or what you can become. Different angles and more flexible definitions allows for limitless possibilities.
从有限的角度来看,我们能看到的最有害的事情就是我们自己。 不要让你自己的假设和分类决定你是什么。 你不知道你是谁,也不知道你能成为什么样的人。 不同的角度和更灵活的定义允许无限的可能性。

21. Think more flexibly about “limits” on time
21. 更灵活地考虑时间的“限制”
“It is utterly beyond our power to measure the changes of things by time.” — Ernst Mach in The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Account of Its Development
“用时间来衡量事物的变化,完全超出了我们的能力。” 力学中的恩斯特 · 马赫: 力学发展的批判与历史考察

Time is an abstraction, which we conceive by the change of other things. For example, the changing of the seasons, or the aging of a child.
时间是一种抽象概念,我们通过其他事物的变化来设想它。 例如,季节的变化,或者孩子的老化。

Many people have rigid notions, for example, about how long certain things must take.

You can’t finish high school until you’re 18 years old.

You can’t be successful until after you’ve paid your dues.

If you break your leg, it must take a few months to heal.

These fixed notions about time are constraining and limiting. Change can occur at different magnitudes and qualities depending on the context. For example, there is a concept called, “Spontaneous Remission,” wherein an illness or disease surprisingly and immediately changes.
这些关于时间的固定概念是有限制的。 变化可以发生在不同的程度和质量取决于上下文。 例如,有一个概念叫做“自然缓解” ,在这个概念中,疾病或疾病会发生惊人的、立即的变化。

When I started my writing career, I was told it would take me at least three to five years to get the amount of subscribers needed to get a literary agent and subsequent book contract. I was told this by a highly credible source, actually a literary agent herself. However, that was based on her assumptions of time and resources, which resources also included my abilities and motivations.
当我开始我的写作生涯的时候,我被告知至少需要三到五年的时间才能得到一个文稿代理人和随后的图书合同所需要的订阅量。 我是从一个非常可靠的消息来源得知这个消息的,实际上她自己就是一个文稿代理人。 然而,这是基于她对时间和资源的假设,这些资源也包括我的能力和动机。

She had no clue of my context, desires, and abilities. Thus, her assumptions about how long it would take me were absurd. Yet, she was just going off what she had seen, which caused her to be mindless about the situation. Within months of the conversation with that literary agent, I was in the position she said would take several years.
她对我的来龙去脉、欲望和能力一无所知。 因此,她关于我需要多长时间的假设是荒谬的。 然而,她只是在模仿她所看到的东西,这使她对这种情况没有注意。 在与那位文稿代理人谈话的几个月内,我就处于她所说的需要几年时间的境地。

Takeaway: Let go of your beliefs about fixed limits of time. Time is a unique concept, which few of us understand. It need not be linear nor lead to entropy. Again, many scholars are seeing that these are nothing more than assumptions, or fixed mindsets about how things work.
摘要: 放弃你对固定时间限制的信念。 时间是一个独特的概念,我们很少有人能理解。 它不一定是线性的,也不一定导致熵。 许多学者再一次发现,这些只不过是一些假设,或者是关于事物如何运作的固定思维模式。

Achieving your goals is very doable. It need not take as long as you may have previously assumed.
实现你的目标是非常可行的。 它不需要像你之前假设的那么长时间。

There is no fixed limit on how much you can learn and grow. There is no fixed amount of time it must take.
你可以学习和成长的程度没有固定的限制。 这个过程没有固定的时间。

What are you going to do?

Self Improvement 自我提升
Life 生活
Productivity 生产力
Entrepreneurship 创业精神
Startup 创业



